March 21, 2020 – Please sign our petition asking top U.S. federal officials to protect vital health care workers in the midst of the covid-19 outbreak. We are urging federal leaders to get nurses, respiratory therapists, and other health professionals what they need to keep everyone safe: personal protective equipment (PPE), paid sick leave, health insurance, and test kits. First, please click here to send our letter, or one of your own, to federal officials! For more on why advocating for these measures to protect health workers is so critical to the response to covid-19, please see Theresa Brown’s powerful piece on the CNN website, “What my daughter fears for me.” And for discussion of why the CDC’s recommendation that nurses might use bandanas if no masks are available is dangerous, see this piece by Carey Clark, RN, PhD in Nurse Manifest.
My father just passed away from septic shock possibly due to influenza A. To not supply frontline healthcare works with PPE is insane.