After a June 2020 piece in the Baltimore Sun marvels at medical students providing holistic care to Covid patients, a local nurse explains that this extraordinary care innovation has actually been at the core…
After a June 2020 piece in the Baltimore Sun marvels at medical students providing holistic care to Covid patients, a local nurse explains that this extraordinary care innovation has actually been at the core…
New York Times ably describes PTSD in nursing but fails to identify expert as nurse A Times article did a fine job of explaining that nurses have high rates of PTSD and burnout. That’s because…
On Grey’s Anatomy, surgeons are still gods and nurses are still low-skilled lackeys. But that didn’t stop one surgeon character from delivering a mind-boggling speech declaring that a key rule for successful surgeons is to listen to and respect nurses.
Recipient of a Worst Reporting on Nursing 2010-2019 Award Despite 300,000 Brazilian nurses, NPR thinks Zika care there is all about “doctors” April 7, 2016 – Today NPR’s Morning Edition aired a…